As an expert in consultative selling, Oliver invented for the hearing care industry the non-manipulative Ethical Selling Concept™. His Ethical Selling Business Practices Concept™ is applied by independent audiologists & independent dispensers of hearing aids in many countries around the globe. He also has 17 years of international experience in personal coaching of audiologists and HCP’s. For practice executives he has a dedicated Audiology Leadership & Managementship program.
Oliver, a Swiss living in The Netherlands, has a long track record in international business development when he was in former CEO positions at different multinational companies. His background is Business Economics and Marketing Management. He founded 17 years ago Masters of Business Development Ltd. in Amsterdam/the Netherlands. MBD is a recognized consulting firm in supporting independent audiologists & independent hearing aid dispensers worldwide to become more successful and, therefore, distinguish themselves successfully from competitors who sell on price.
Oliver holds a certificate in Launching Breakthrough Technologies from Harvard University.
“Oliver has presented the ‘Masters of Business Development -Ethical Business Skills’ workshop to Hearing Business Alliance members in Melbourne and Brisbane, Australia. This covered helpful tools to improve business outcomes without compromising clinical integrity; by enhancing client-centred and family-centred care to create ‘Client-Fans’ for their business. The workshop equated the provision of hearing devices as part of hearing rehabilitation to client-centred ‘ethical selling’. Feedback from HBA members has been very positive.”
Jane McDonald, CEO Hearing Business Alliance, Australia
We use Oliver’s concept to develop the ethical selling skills of our team of hearing care specialists. The Dutch market is challenging, with a strong focus on the public healthcare system, with extremely low prices and huge gap to the private market. Oliver is able at various levels to guide our team towards an outstanding performance in the market. He does his job with respect for both the customer and the audiologist. Even staff members who were a little reluctant to ‘another’ communication training are positive about their own development. His phrase of ‘You’ll experience that the investment you make to hire me, will be a return on investment’, is true!
Arthur Schuurmans, CEO Hearing Partners, the Netherlands
We were very keen as a business to promote Ethical Selling amongst our staff, for the benefit of the customer. Oliver was able to assist us with this and show us a way to be better at selling whilst remaining true to our core mantra of always doing the best we for our clients. The training was carried out remotely across Zoom as a live webinar and really proved to be a worthwhile experience for us all. I felt we got so much more out of it than any of us were expecting! We’re continually reflecting, referring to the training. Thank you, Oliver!
Joanne Mitchell, CEO. CapeAbilities, Western Australia
I have had the opportunity to use the services of Oliver von Borstel from Masters of Business Development on a number of occasions. For example, with Personal Coaching for me personally, as well as for coaching my Sales Team. In both cases, my experiences have been very positive, and I van say that it was a very good investment. They were valuable sessions in which good new insights were offered to the members of the Sales Team. In this way we can work even more successfully, and we see that we have more partners than customers. We will be making use of the services of Oliver for the new Team Members of our Sales Team. Oliver’s years of experience and being well known in our industry made him a valuable partner. Highley recommended.
Jeroen Douw, Commercial Director, Starkey Benelux
With great pleasure, I look back on my Persona Coaching/Training sessions with Oliver von Borstel. His focus is on growing both the Ethical Selling skills and your personality. I learned not to just focus on ‘products’, but on the total solution which is of value for the customer and improves his/her quality of life. Oliver taught me in non-manipulative Ethical Selling how to ask appropriate open-ended questions so that I can convince the customer to choose the individual best and most optimal hearing aid solution. This all resulted in a big increase of sales with high-end devices while creating much more client-fans. I recommend Oliver’s methodology and concept because it changed my professional life.
Jeroen Roos, Audiometrist, EyeForEars, the Netherlands